The Unwritten Rule
We’ve all been there, at least once; at some point or another, you’ve wanted to or have come close to engaging with your best friend’s ex-partner on a romantic level. While there is somewhat an unwritten rule regarding sleeping with your best friend’s ex, once the urge begins to take over, it can be hard to resist. This is especially true if you find them sexually alluring and have been thinking about what it’d be like to spend a night with them. That being said, is it ever okay to sleep with someone your best friend was involved with? Well, that’s what we’re going to discuss with you today.

You Can Sleep with Your Friends Ex if…
They No Longer Care About Their Ex: If a lot of time has passed since your best friend broke up with their partner, it’s possible that they no longer have feelings for them. If this is the case, it’ll probably be okay for you to express your interest in them, just make sure to smooth things over with your friend first to be sure. No all breakups are bad, so, it’s possible they separated on mutual terms and don’t hold any ill-will against one another.
Your Friendship Only Exists on Social Media: If you’re friendship only exist on social media, you’re probably not that close. In cases like this, whether you should follow the unwritten rule falls into a bit of a grey area.
It Was Never a Serious Relationship: Depending on how long your friend was with their ex for and how serious their relationship was can help you determine if it’s okay for you to sleep with them. If they were only seeing each other casual and/or their relationship was short-lived, your friend probably won’t care if you decide to hook up with them.
You Have Real Feelings for Them: If what you feel for your friend’s ex goes beyond physical attraction, there’s no reason as to why you shouldn’t explore things. Who knows, while things didn’t work out between your friend and their ex, this person may end up being the love of your life.

You Shouldn’t Sleep with Your Friends Ex if…
The Breakup Was Messy: If the breakup between your friend and their ex was messy, chances are, there will be a lot of bad feelings and memories regarding this individual. Getting sexually involved with your friend’s ex may only make things worse and could even make it harder for them to move on.
You Didn’t Get Permission: While we suggested some of the reasons that’d make it okay to get with your ex, it’s still important that you speak with them about it first. If your friend is against you hooking up with their ex, you should oblige by their wishes, after all, there are plenty of other people in the world for you to date.
Your Friend Is Still Carrying Feelings: This is an obvious one. If you’re friend still has feelings for their ex, should you decide to sleep with them you’ll probably wind up causing them a great deal of pain. If you truly care about your friend, this is the last thing you should want to do to them.
You Don’t Know What You Want: Figuring out what you want is very important. If you’re only after a fling, you should ask yourself whether it’s worth going through all the drama that’ll more than likely follow after you hook up.
The Person in Question Cheated on Your Friend: If your friend’s ex cheated on them, sleeping with them is probably not the best idea. Doing so could lead to your friend feeling betrayed again, surely you don’t want to be the one responsible for your friend having to relive such trauma.