Dating Etiquette
When it comes to dating, there are a number of things that can go wrong; however, more often than not, when things go badly, it’s due to self-sabotage. Today, we’re going to go over some of the things you avoid to make sure that your night ends as pleasantly as it began.
Don’t Talk About Yourself Too Much
A lot of people talk about themselves when they’re nervous, they don’t want any awkward silences during a conversation, so going on and on about themselves seems like a good choice. The thing is, the person you’re with also has things they’d like to share with you, but if you don’t give them a chance to get involved, they may feel like a spectator at their own event. Make sure to ask questions that’ll lead to them opening up so that you can expand on the things you have to talk about. Conversations are a two-way street, so everyone should have their say.
Don’t Talk About Your Ex-Partner
It’s often the case that people talk about their ex because they simply haven’t gotten over them. Talking about your ex while on a date will give the girl you’re with the idea that you’re still infatuated with them. Instead of finding a reason to kiss you at the end of the night, she’ll be wondering why you’re wasting her time when your heart is somewhere else.
Offering to Pay
In this day and age, it’s hard to know if you should split the bill or pay for the dinner you and your date enjoyed. Despite what you hear in the media, more often than not, a woman will be appreciative of you wanting to pick up the tab. That being said, don’t be argumentative if she offers to pay half, if anything, you should appreciate her willingness to help you out.
Don’t Pre-Empt Sex
You shouldn’t expect the date to end with you and your date knocking boots. If all you have on your mind is getting down and dirty while spending time with someone, eventually, they’ll be able to pick up on this. When it comes to romance, there’s nothing more off-putting to a woman than a man who smells of desperation.
Don’t be Overbearing
This is something that applies before, during, and after the date has ended. Don’t shower her with text messages all day and night; doing this will only give her the idea that you don’t have anything else going on in your life. Not only will this show you in a bad light, it’ll also give your potential date the idea that you’ll become a control freak should things ever get serious between you.
After a date, let her know that you had a good time and that you’d like to do it again. When you should do this is something that is still heavily debated; some say that messaging straight away will make you come off as needy, so waiting a few days is preferred. On the flip side of this though, many will say that if you wait a few days it’ll seem like you’re the type to play games. In light of this, perhaps messaging your date the following evening is the best course of action.